Faking It
Faking It
- Tipo: Serie
- Gênero: Comédia Dramática
- Episódios: 38
- Colorido: Sim
- Duração: 22 Minutos
- Duração total: ~13h 56m
- Status: Finalizado
- Estreia: 22/04/2014
- Temporada Meteorológico: 🌼 Primavera
- Temporada Astronômico: 🌼 Primavera
- Ano: 2014
Classificação : ???
Classificação não definida, recomendamos que Avalie os gêneros e veja reviews sobre a obra.Sinopse
How far do best friends go to fit in and become popular? At Hester High, being different is popular. Amy Raudenfeld (Rita Volk) and Karma Ashcroft (Katie Stevens) have tried everything to fit in, but have never really succeeded. When best friends pretend to be lesbians and are involuntarily nominated to become prom queens, they do everything they can to make others think they really are lesbians. Karma, on the other hand, falls in love with Liam Booker (Gregg Sulkin) and decides to keep their relationship a secret while still pretending to be a lesbian. Amy soon tells Shane Harvey (Michael Willett) that she and Karma are pretending to be popular, but she is not sure what she is and how she really feels about Karma.