Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku
Flower and Asura
- Tipo: Anime
- Gênero: Seinen Escola Drama Slice Of Life
- Formato: TV
- Episódios: 12
- Colorido: Sim
- Duração: 24 Minutos
- Duração total: ~4h 48m
- Status: Lançamento
- Estreia: 08/01/2025
- Temporada Meteorológico: ❄️ Inverno
- Temporada Astronômico: ❄️ Inverno
- Ano: 2025
- Site Oficial
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13 +
Classificação : 13+
Idade minima permitida é de: 13 anos.Sinopse
Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku is a coming-of-age tale set on Tonaru Island, a small island with a population of 600 people. In this setting, Hana Haruyama is a first year high school student who loves to recite works of literature aloud. One day, she is invited by second year student Mizuki Usurai to join the school's broadcasting club, because Mizuki believes that Hana's “reading” has the power to attract people's attention.