- Tipo: Anime
- Gênero: Race
- Formato: ONA
- Episódios: 5
- Colorido: Sim
- Duração: 1 Minutos
- Duração total: ~5m
- Status: Finalizado
- Estreia: 26/02/2024
- Temporada Meteorológico: ❄️ Inverno
- Temporada Astronômico: ❄️ Inverno
- Ano: 2024
- Site Oficial
Classificação : ???
Classificação não definida, recomendamos que Avalie os gêneros e veja reviews sobre a obra.Sinopse
The series follows lead character Jae Kang and his crew as they race around a futuristic metropolis controlled by the fictictious tech conglomerate, SynthCorp. Per a series description, the full-throttle anime series begins at a time “when the thrill of driving has been all but extinguished” by SynthCorp, with Dr. Synth controlling a “vast fleet of cookie-cutter vehicles, which he has successfully persuaded the public to perceive as safer, more efficient and will lead to a more controlled society.” Of course, not everything is as it appears, and Kang — and his track-built GR Corolla, natch — must (literally) race around the clock to rescue the city from impending doom.