Otaku ni Yasashii Gal wa Inai!?
Gal Can't Be Kind to Otaku!?
- Tipo: Manga
- Gênero: Romance Seinen Escola Comédia Slice Of Life
- Colorido: Não
- Status: Lançamento
- Estreia: 25/08/2021
- Temporada Meteorológico: ☀️ Verão
- Temporada Astronômico: ☀️ Verão
- Ano: 2021
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Classificação : ???
Classificação não definida, recomendamos que Avalie os gêneros e veja reviews sobre a obra.Sinopse
Takuya Seo is an otaku who especially likes "anime for young girls," a hobby which he is afraid to reveal to other people. One day, he got caught up in a conversation with two gals from his class, Amane and Ijichi. From the way she talked, it seemed that Amane is also a closet otaku herself? It's a school romantic comedy where an otaku meets a gal with similar hobbies!