Kisaki Kyouiku kara Nigetai Watashi
I Want to Escape from Princess Lessons
- Tipo: Anime
- Gênero: Romance Comida
- Formato: TV
- Colorido: Sim
- Duração: 23 Minutos
- Status: Lançamento
- Estreia: 05/01/2025
- Data Final: 02/01/2025
- Temporada Meteorológico: ❄️ Inverno
- Temporada Astronômico: ❄️ Inverno
- Ano: 2025
- Site Oficial
- Twitter Oficial
13 +
Classificação : 13+
Idade minima permitida é de: 13 anos.Sinopse
Leticia Dorman, daughter of a duke, is less than thrilled to be engaged to a crown prince. Betrothed since childhood and trained to be queen, she always hoped Prince Clarke would fall for someone else one day. So when he shows up at a ball with another woman, Lettie excitedly retreats to the countryside to start her new life—only for Clarke to appear, determined to win her heart.