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Trinity Seven: Liese Chronicle

Trinity Seven: Liese Chronicle


Trinity Seven: Liese Chronicle

Oficial XX

トリニティセブン リーゼクロニクル

Oficial ja-jp



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Lieselotte Sherlock has been seeing dreams about Destruction Phenomena destroying the world, but nobody else can sense it.

She found out the cause came from parallel world and heads out after confirming with Master Liber who helps sending here to that world, which she calls β-universe.

In that parallel world, she found things are different. Instead of Lilith, Anastasia is the teacher who brought Arata to the Academy. She is also no longer the Trinity Seven of Acedia, a position that is now taken by Aries Chaldea.

While she avoid getting removed by other characters who saw her as threat, she is surrounded by mysteries as of the source for the Destruction Phenomena, and the fate of her β-world self.
