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Blue Inferior

Blue Inferior


Blue Inferior

Oficial XX


Oficial ja-jp


  • Tipo: Manga
  • Gênero: Aventura
  • Capítulos: 24
  • Volumes: 4
  • Colorido: Não
  • Status: Finalizado
  • Ano: 1994

Classificação : ???

Classificação não definida, recomendamos que Avalie os gêneros e veja reviews sobre a obra.


It is a world where environmental pollution has spiraled out of control. Most of the land is contaminated desert, and there are only a few pockets along the shore where people can live. Those inhabiting these oases are suspicious of strangers, and know nothing about the outside world save for stories of vicious "sub-humans." One day, a young girl named Marine washes up on the shore of one of the inhabited lands. She has no memory of where she came from. She is found by a young boy named Kazuya, who loves the sea and has a natural curiosity about the outside world. The two of them start to become friends... but then rumors start spreading that Marine might be a sub-human, and she is locked up. Now Kazuya must help her escape, and uncover the mystery of who she is and where she came from.
