Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor
Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor
- Tipo: Anime
- Gênero: Seinen Psychological Crime Thriller
- Formato: TV
- Episódios: 26
- Temporadas: 2
- Colorido: Sim
- Duração: 23 Minutos
- Duração total: ~9h 58m
- Status: Finalizado
- Estreia: 03/10/2007
- Data Final: 02/04/2008
- Temporada Meteorológico: 🍂 Outono
- Temporada Astronômico: 🍂 Outono
- Ano: 2007
- Site Oficial
Classificação : ???
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Itou Kaiji, a man who frequently steals car emblems and vandalizes tires, finds his monotonous life disrupted when a trench-coated debt collector visits him. The collector is there to settle an unpaid loan that Kaiji had guaranteed for a colleague. With the original borrower gone, the responsibility falls on Kaiji to repay the 300,000 yen loan.
Kaiji learns of an opportunity to erase the debt, which requires boarding a ship with others in similar straits. Onboard, they must gamble with borrowed money, a risky venture that promises to either clear their debts or plunge them deeper into financial ruin. Under pressure, Kaiji agrees to join the game, hoping to settle his debts and potentially earn some money.