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Power Rangers Lost Galaxy

Power Rangers Lost Galaxy

Power Rangers na Galáxia Perdida


Power Rangers Lost Galaxy

Oficial XX

Power Rangers na Galáxia Perdida

Oficial pt-br


10 +

Classificação : 10+

Idade minima permitida é de: 10 anos.


In the past Sabers were used on a sacred stone on Planet Miranoi. They should
cater for the good and only the selected retirees selected them. Various warriors throughout the ages
tried to remove them, but never succeeded. One day Scopious sends his terrible general named Furio
stolen them from the holy stone, but nothing succeeds. Furio orders his army to destroy all
inhabitants of Miranoi. But Maya, a resident of Miranoi, manages to escape the planet through a portal.
dimensional to ask for help somewhere in the galaxy.
In the year 1999, a colossal building, Terra Ventura was designed to be a space colony that
It will take us on a journey to discover new worlds and colonize them. A young adventurer named Leo
stealthily enters a certain board to see what life is like in space, and your life will never be
