How to Become Ordinary
- Tipo: Anime
- Gênero: Escola Mistério
- Formato: TV
- Episódios: 10
- Temporadas: 1
- Colorido: Sim
- Duração: 23 Minutos
- Duração total: ~3h 50m
- Status: Finalizado
- Estreia: 07/07/2024
- Data Final: 15/09/2024
- Temporada Meteorológico: ☀️ Verão
- Temporada Astronômico: ☀️ Verão
- Ano: 2024
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Classificação : ???
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The story centers on Jougorou Kobato, who wishes to live a quiet and ordinary life after a painful experience. He and Yuki Osanai form a "mutually beneficial relationship" as Yuki also wants the same thing. They start high school as classmates with a plan to spend their peaceful days as ordinary people, but unfortunately they keep getting wrapped up in mysteries and disasters as they happen one after another.
(Source: Anime News Network)