Sihanbunikka Gyeyak Gyeolhon Hamnida
Contract Marrying Because I Am Terminally Ill
- Tipo: Manhwa
- Gênero: Romance Shoujo Fantasia
- Estilo: Webtoon
- Colorido: Sim
- Status: Lançamento
- Estreia: 02/01/2024
- Temporada Meteorológico: ❄️ Inverno
- Temporada Astronômico: ❄️ Inverno
- Ano: 2024
Classificação : ???
Classificação não definida, recomendamos que Avalie os gêneros e veja reviews sobre a obra.Sinopse
"Please be my husband for just one year! I only have one year left to live." The way she chose to escape from her vicious family was marriage. “You have a secret lover, right? I’m going to die anyway. I’ll be your air-like wife to fill that empty space.” It was nice to escape the house by proposing to Duke Kaiyen, the Grand Duke of the North and a war hero known for being cruel… “Gwama disease is not an incurable disease. It shouldn’t be.” The duke is so kind to me that it’s melting my heart! Duke, I thought you have a lover…?